Thursday, October 7, 2010

Austrian Report

Austrian LMHI Report 2009
Report by the National Vice-President for Austria

Four homeopathic associations, OGHM, AKH, SIH and OGVH are offering modified training programs to senior medical students, physicians, veterinarians and pharmacists. Diplomas are recognized by medical and veterinary chambers. Advanced training offerings show attempts of networking and collaboration among the different societies.

Increased efforts in research, publication and public relations have resulted in furthering the spread and establishment of the homeopathic idea. Austrian homeopathic manufacturers are renowned for excellent quality and deliver remedies worldwide.

Jorg Hildebrandt received the Peithner Award 2008 for his proving of Toxopneustis pileolus. Anton Rohrer was honored with the Samuel Hahnemann Award 2008 in Bamberg at the annual conference of the OGHM together with DZVhA. In his publication he addressed the topic of worldwide interest and relevance: Epidemics and Homeopathy. (Published in Documenta, Issue 27, 2008)

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