Sunday, August 23, 2009

64 LIga Congress at Warsaw, poland 26 - 30 th August 2009

From The Desk of Secretary general
Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
July 10, 2009

Dear friends, I hope that everything is going well for you. I disturb you again in order to ask your confirmation of presence at next IC and EC meetings. It's important to have an answer, because as I wrote you, we have to organize the logistic aspect of our meeting. I have to give the number of people present at the business lunch, the coffee break and so on. Below you will find the names of people that answered yes or not, please all the others are invited to write to me as soon as possible. The organising committee is waiting for an answer from me. Best regards, renzo galassi


Dr Raymond Sevar lmhi nvp uk,

Lèon Scheepers, Belgium

Jelka Milic, Croatia

Ronko Itamura, Japan

Fernando Francois Flores, secr. Archives

Dr. Pavel Sedláček, Czech rep (assist Eliska Krejcova

Jacques Imberechts, comm. Provings

Christina Ari, Austria

Hein van Berkel, Netherlands.

Dr Nik Omar, Malaysia

Sandra M. Chase, Secretary for Public Relations

Josè Matuk, Liga Vice president

Ulrich D. Fischer, Liga President

Thomas Peinbauer, Liga Treasurer

Renzo Galassi, Liga general Secretary

Michel Van Wassenhoven, secret. Research

Garabagtsyan Mariam, Armenia

Zsófia Hídvegi, Hungary

Alejandro Brenes, Costa Rica

Richard Hiltner, USA

Prof. Dr. Milos Popovic, Serbia.

Barbara Bichsel, Switzerland

Atena Antonescu, Romania

Karin Bandelin, Germany

Dr. S.P.S. Bakshi, India


Dr. Altunay Söylemez Ağaoğlu , Turkey

Dinos Dardayannopoylos, Greece

Karin Dutina, Sweden

Matthias Puschkarski, Liechtenstein

36 delegates are MISSING, please answer!!!!

( It it very common to note that all the NVP will be coming at the last moment.
At Belgium 45 President of member country are attending. It is expecting the same number this year at Waesaw, Poland - Dr Nik Omar)

Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis

Dott. Renzo GALASSI - Prime General Secretary

DIRETTORE Accademia Omeopatica Hahnemanniana Marchigiana

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