Sunday, August 23, 2009

Homeopathy In Costa Rica - LMHI Report Warsaw 2009

Costa Rica
LMHI Report 2009

From 2003 to present, “Free Courses of Homeopathy” are held twice a year in the School of General Studies at the University of Costa Rica. Regularly attend students and academics but most are non-university. The courses have generated continuous interest for the holistic approach.

The syllabus of Costa Rican Homeopathic Medical Foundation (FMHC, by its initials in Spanish) closed in 2007. Physicians have expectations for university courses given and the more interest in clinical practice as usual or at least be registered in the Medical Board. In this Board had been resistance to this but, now there is the possibility of a change and also to regulate other complementary and alternative therapies. It has also emerged the idea of designing a master's university in homeopathy.

From December 2008 the oldest private hospital in Costa Rica, agreed to open a homeopathic outpatient services covered by private health insurance.

Homeopathic medicines are legal and regulated by the Ministry of Health. Only licensed doctors, dentists, veterinarians and midwife can prescribe medication.
In January 2009 a judicial court forced the Health Minister to give permission for two homeopathic naturopath, enrolled as biologists at the Biology Board to open homeopathic clinics. This has generated considerable controversy.

From the FMHC teaching experience in homeopathy and the recent interest of National Cooperative Institute and the cooperative Clínica de Pavas, which administers public health service, public funds were obtained to conduct the first research on homeopathy with holistic approach care.
At the same time, this has ensured that the Minister of Health officially supports the participation of the doctors who will present the results of this research in the Warsaw LMHI Congress.

Alejandro Brenes-Valverde M.D., NVP

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