Monday, August 24, 2009

H1 N1 - Preventive Is Better Than Cure

Dr. Anil Singhal, MD (Homeo)
Share your best to make this world healthy
H1N1 Flu and Homeopathy – Analysis

What is H1N1 flu ?

H1N1 virus is a new type of Influenza virus affecting pigs, humans and maybe some other animals. Humans do not yet have herd immunity to it as they do to other types of flu viruses.

As we (people on this earth) have not developed the immunity against H1N1, it is spreading like wildfire and at a rate faster than any other virus epidemic.

At present, it is a very low mortality viral infection and the risk of death (in kids who have low immunity, and adults at old age especially when weakened by diabetes or other debilitating disorders) is pale in comparison to childhood diarrhea, typhoid, bronchopneumonia at extremes of age, and many other diseases that we are used to.

The main worry is that the next mutated form of this virus, expected within a year, may acquire higher levels of virulence to cause death and or severe complications. To preempt that state of risk, we have to build the overall level of immunity in the general population (herd immunity) either by infection or with the help of a vaccine.

What are symptoms of Influenza A H1N1 ?

Just like any another flu, predominantly upper respiratory symptoms like cough, cold accompanied by the usual fever, headache, body ache, loss of appetite, sore throat, weakness, and sometimes uneasy stomach has been reported in many cases. Mild respiratory illness (nasal congestion, rhinorrhea) without fever and occasional severe disease also has been reported.

Managing H1N1 influenza:

Whenever any of above symptoms start, go to nearest Government approved laboratories for checkup and testing for H1N1 infection.

Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Community

Stay informed.

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.

Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.

Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
If you are sick, you may be ill for a week or longer. You should stay home and keep away from others as much as possible. Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of fever-reducing medicine.) Keep away from others as much as possible. This is to keep from making others sick.

If you are sick and sharing a common space with other household members in your home, wear a facemask, if available and tolerable, to help prevent spreading the virus to others.

With seasonal flu, people may be contagious from one day before they develop symptoms to up to 7 days after they get sick. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods.

If you are in a high risk group for complications from influenza, you should attempt to avoid close contact (within 6 feet) with household members who are sick with influenza. If close contact with a sick individual is unavoidable, consider wearing a facemask or respirator, if available and tolerable. Infants and pregnant women should not be cared for by sick family members.

Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds, and other social distancing measures.

What Homeopathy or homoeopathic medicines can do ?

Hahnemann has mentioned guidelines for physicians to tackle any epidemic in his Organon of Medicine under the aphorisms 100-102:

In investigating the symptomatology of any epidemic or sporadic disease, it is NOT required to know whether something similar disease has appeared in the world before under the same name or any other name. Physician MUST examine every prevailing disease as if it were something new and unknown.

He SHOULD investigate it thoroughly for practicing medicine in a real and radical manner. He should NEVER substitute conjecture (guess or baseless opinion) for actual observations. He should NOT consider this new prevailing disease as if already whole or partially. He SHOULD examine this prevailing disease in all its phases.

It may be possible that the physician may not be able to obtain complete picture of disease in the first case of an epidemic disease. He may become conversant with the totality of signs and symptoms if he closely observes several cases of such disease.

This way the physician will be enabled to verify the suitableness of the medicine chosen, or to discover more appropriate, most appropriate homeopathic remedy. The whole extent or the totality of the symptoms cannot be learned from one single patient. It will be obtained by a complete survey of the morbid picture, which is essential to choose the most suitable homeopathic remedy.

Now, considering the guidelines given by Dr. Hahnemann – Inventor of Homoeopathy, I took all the symptoms (as mentioned by CDC) for further analysis.

Analysis of symptoms of hospitalized novel H1N1 patients :

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of US had tabulated the symptomatology of H1N1 virus in human beings:

Fever (93%)
Cough (83%)
Shortness of breath (54%)
Fatigue/Weakness (40%)
Chills (37%)
Myalgias (36%)
Rhinorrhea (36%)
Sore Throat (31%)
Headache (31%)
Vomiting (29%)
Wheezing (24%)
Diarrhea (24%)

You can see in more than 50% of the cases Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath were marked. I would like to mention some Emergency Warning Signs here. If you become ill and experience any of the warning signs, seek emergency medical care at nearest government hospital.

In children, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:

Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or gray skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Severe or persistent vomiting
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
Severe or persistent vomiting
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

Selection of Homeopathic Repertory

In Homeopathy, Repertory is a clinical applied tool, in short, it helps to analyse symptoms of a patient in a clinical setup. There are various homeopathic repertories available (like Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book, Boger’s Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory, Kent’s Repertory, and some newer repertories) based on certain logic, philosophies or guidelines. Each one is having specific scope and limitations.

Considering the general symptoms of the H1N1 Influenza as mentioned by CDC, I chose Kent’s Repertory to analyse all these symptoms. Kent’s Repertory is the most often used homeopathic repertory worldwide.

Rubrics of Kent’s Homeopathic Repertory pertaining to symptoms of hospitalized novel H1N1 patients: (in bracket total number of homeopathic medicines are mentioned – these number of homeopathic medicines have affinity to cure linked symptom)

Fever; HEAT in general (152)
Cough (238) – here I included homeopathic remedies of all time modalities
Respiration; DIFFICULT (Asthmatic) (259)
Generalities; WEAKNESS (309)
Chill; COLDNESS in general (177)
Extremity Pain; GENERAL (168)
Catarrh+Coryza (224) – for rhinorrhea, I included all the remedies belonging to catarrh and coryza in nose.
Throat; PAIN; Sorethroat (in general) (120)
Head Pain; GENERAL (258)
Stomach; VOMITING; General (177)
Respiration; WHEEZING (62)
Rectum; DIARRHOEA (214)

On analysing the computational result of this, following homeopathic remedies are coming at a higher ranking


I observed that Ars. is ranking on top covering almost all the symptoms of H1N1 in highest grade.

About Influenzinum

Recently, I heard that some SMS about Influenzinum are circulated widely in India.

Influenzinum - a homeopathic preparation called nosode is prepared by Pasteur Institute. It is anti – grippe vaccin prepared from 2 varieties of viruses, the one being that of ordinary influenza A.P. R. – 8 and the other A – Singapore – 1, 1957, which is called Asiatic influenza. The preparation of this mixture is, 3 parts of Asiatic virus and onepart of European virus. These viruses are cultured on chidken embryo, and titrated by the reaction of Hemagglutination of Hirst, after purification, and concentration by formol. The stock contains influenza titrated 500 units of hemagglutinant per millilitre. It is interesting to note that Pasteur Institute prepare specially this vaccine mixture for Homoeopathic uses.

Following the famous “Spanish Influenza” of 1918, some nosodes of Influnza appeared. Thus Pierre Schmidt of Geneva prepared the Nosode Influenzinum – Spanish, but he neither spoecified the composition of the stock nor the origin.

In the year 1938 appeared an article of Dr. Beeby in Homoeopathic Recorder concerning this Nosode and made a comparative study with Influenzinum of Dr. Nebel. Nebel of Lausanne prepared towards 1938 a series of Nosodes but they are not found at present.

According to Demageat there exists influenzinum 1918, prepared by Bach and dichington but the stock is not known. There even exists in Influenzinum 1918, prepared by Neison Laboratory in 30 CH nd an Influenzinum with China used in Influenza sequalae of Spain. All these nosodes exist no more in pharmacy.

At Nelson are found at present the different types of Influenza and Influenzinum.

There exist also several stocks of “Grippen Nosoden” in dynamizations D6 to D 400, prepared by the Laboratory Mueller, Goepingen in Germany and utilised by Voll according to Electro – acupuncture – orgenometry and tested therapeutically with his apparatus.

Reckeweg has prepared the “Grippe – Nosode – Injeel – forte D6, D10), D30, D200, which are to be used as injections.

Our present day influenzinum, as has been remarked by Demagent, does not correspond to the old stock.

There exists no pathogenetic experiment according to the method of Hahnemann. It is also cleared that different pharmacies preparing this medicine differently, and which influenzinum we are getting in India — I am not sure about that.

Regarding using influenzinum, the general directions Clarke gave to his patients are these: When “colds” appear in a family let all those who are unaffected take Ars. 3c thrice daily and let the patients take Influ. 30c every hour or two. Even Dr. P. Sankaran of Bombay had mentioned that Influenzinum is indicated for poor reaction, when the patient’s recovery is poor after influenza. And, Tyler of UK used this in post influenzal epilepsy.

Therefore, I think Influenzinum is to be used in patients suffering from H1N1, and for sequale after H1N1.

What Homeopathic Medicine for H1N1 ?

As such, we don’t have any concrete outcome related to the present situation of H1N1 in India and abroad. Dr. Hahnemann used the prophylactic medicines during epidemics in his time. He evaluated the remedies based on his guidelines, and using those remedies proved efficacy of homeopathic medicines in epidemics. His experinces lead him to create guidelines to finding the curative remedy in such epidemics. Similarly we can apply this in our search of homeopathic medicine for H1N1 flu pandemic.

As per my analysis, in my opinion, Arsenic Album (or Ars. alb., or Arsenic alba) might be the right choice right now. Taking Ars. alb. 30 twice daily for 4-5 days might be helpful initially for a month or so. I chose 30 potency as it would be safer for kids, children, preganant, and immuno-compromised peoples. The information provided here is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician.

I presented this information here because I am finding lot of confusions in my patients, friends, students and my collegues.

In the last, if you find any flu-like symptoms, please consult your physician immidiately. All these info here is to update you about the facts. I am sure this would help you.

Dr. Anil Singhal, MD(Homeo)
Visiting Faculty
Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi.
Dr. B. R. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi.
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Greater Noida.

Note: You can download this information freely and spread the facts about H1N1 Flu and Homeopathy. We don’t need to create panic. We all work together to make this world H1N1 free.

H1N1 Flu and Homeopathy – Analysis posted on August 12th, 2009.

Alternative Medicines • H1N1 • Homeopathy -- H1N1, Influenza A, Influenza H1N1, Swine Flu, Swine Influenza
26 Responses to “H1N1 Flu and Homeopathy – Analysis”

Dr Alok Yadav , on August 13th, 2009 at 3:57 am , said:

Thanks Dr Singhal. Your sincere effort regarding information on H1N1 & Homeopathic Role is very useful.
Dr. Anil Singhal , on August 13th, 2009 at 5:30 am , said:

Dear Dr. Yadav, what is the situation of H1N1 influenza in Jaipur… please tell us.
Dr Maheshkumar Nule , on August 13th, 2009 at 7:44 am , said:

Meticulous work. Amidst the general ruins this article can be of great solace for those who want to know as well as for those who want to treat and safeguard their near and dear ones.

Great effort Dr Anil Singhal.

Hope to see more articles on your site.
Amit Srivastava , on August 13th, 2009 at 11:37 am , said:

Thank you Dr Singhal for sharing such useful information. I have a question in two parts, First could homeopathy be used for prevention of flu, second your analysis which identify Ars, Lyco, Phos..etc medicine for infected person…with the kind of homeopathy bring the confidence and hope among the people.
Hemant , on August 13th, 2009 at 12:29 pm , said:

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for such a valuable information on this topic.

Warm regards!
Dr.Meetu Aggarwal , on August 13th, 2009 at 12:56 pm , said:

Thank you sir,it’s really a valuable information about swine flu.actually me and renu also had given presentation in college,we had information of few homoeopayhic medicines like bry,eup-perf,influenzinum,gelsemium.but we didn’t had any idea of,thank you once again.
dr pankaj aggarwal , on August 14th, 2009 at 2:42 am , said:

appriciable!!! but panic of flu may be treated with aconite 200. thanks.
Rafy , on August 14th, 2009 at 4:47 am , said:


Can you please explain what you wrote about Influenzinum?
Rafy , on August 14th, 2009 at 5:13 am , said:


I meant the indiaqn strain. Is it different from what we have in Europe where it is made yearly from 3 expected viruses and not from ASIAN FLU VIRUS.

Dr.R.K.Manchanda, , on August 14th, 2009 at 9:27 am , said:

Dear Anil

You have given a very valuable information about the H1N1 and Homoeopathy. There are primarily two ways to look at the possibility of using Homoeopathy as prophylactic. One is use specific nosode which in any case is not avilable for H1N1, however the nearest one is Influenzinum. The efficacy of nosode has not been studied deeply, had it been that simple, WHO and other would have used dilution of H1N1 to contain the pandemic, so there is need to look beyond or to undertake measurable pilot study to establish credibity beyond doubt.

The other option is to use acute medicines, the steps should be 1) to identify sypmtoms of the group of patients, 2) shortlist group of drugs; this work to some extent have been done by Maxican doctors and have suggested Aconite-n, Belladonna,Bryonia, Ars alb, Eup perf, Merc viv, Gelsemium
Now there is need to treat some of the cases of swine flu with these or any other medicines, and report to CCRH, or to me so that further genus epidemicus can be worked out. Then there shall be a real challange of ensuring its proper distribution in appropriate dosage.
I request Homoeopaths to report their realtime experiences in swine flue. We shall also be shring with you our experiences periodically.

Dr.R.K.Manchanda, Deputy Director(Homoeopathy), Govt. of Delhi
Dr.Rajesh Chawla , on August 14th, 2009 at 9:36 am , said:

Great job by a sincere homeopath.Repertorial result would have been more accurate if some smaller rubrics(collected from patients) with few medicines would havebeentaken under consideration.Even then a commandable job.
Peter Jassal , on August 15th, 2009 at 6:05 am , said:

Dr. Singhal
It is always a pleasure to read your educational articles. It brings back the nostalgia of time spent together when we were classmates @ NHMC. Your articles are always of the highest educational value and point to the vast potential homeopathy has to offer. As world of medicine struggle to find answers for such ‘diseases’; homeopathic approach of treating the person as a whole might be the right answer.
Great article.

Peter Jassal, MD.
Dr.Rajendra Fegade,Jalgaon,Maharashtra , on August 15th, 2009 at 9:56 pm , said:

Thank you doctor, Your study & research is really very useful & knowledgeful.
Kanika , on August 16th, 2009 at 7:40 am , said:

Doctor, should we take arsenic as preventive for swine flu H1N1?
Rafy , on August 16th, 2009 at 11:15 am , said:

Also doctor, should we take arsenic as preventive for swine flu H1N1 ans in which dosage (frequency) and potency?
Dr. Anil Singhal , on August 16th, 2009 at 3:02 pm , said:

I thank Dr. Manchanda, Dr. Rajesh, Dr. Pankaj, Dr. Alok, Dr. Nule, Dr. Meetu, Dr. Peter, Dr. Rajendra, Hemant, Amit and all others for your appreciations and feedback. I wanted to share my views about homeopathy and H1N1. I am sure all these inputs would help to alleviate the panic in public.

Amit, Hahnemann used homeopathic medicines as preventives in epidemics in his time, and he reported success. Since than, people used homeopathic medicines in many epidemics like plague, cholera, etc. So, I believe if we have some common analysis of the situation, homeopathy can be used for prevention of flu H1N1, and I am sure with our collective efforts and awareness, confidence and hope would return among the people.

Raby, I have just uploaded some of my notes about influenzinum, some information is awaited.
Ankur Bhatnagar , on August 17th, 2009 at 2:13 am , said:

Thanks a lot Dr. Anil Singhal for providing such detailed analysis on H1N1 virus in such simple and easy language.
I am suffering from cough and cold, but shortness of breath or fatigue is not there. I had consulted an alopathic doctor last week. He gave me some medicines for viral fever and common cough and cold, fever is gone but cough and cold is still a problem.

Can I take homeopathic medicines after alopathic course or both can go side by side…???

Waiting for your suggestions!!
Sundari , on August 17th, 2009 at 9:28 am , said:

Dr. Anil..Thankyou very much for sharing this information with us.
Dr.susanta kumar sahoo , on August 19th, 2009 at 7:08 am , said:

can acid sarcolacticum be used as preventive
DR JUNAID , on August 19th, 2009 at 8:53 am , said:

dear dr singhal
a very much thankful to you for ur keenly did a good job for homeopathy and patient aswell.

with regards
Peter Jassal , on August 20th, 2009 at 4:21 pm , said:

Dr. Singhal
While going over the info about the pandemic i came across a very good site published by a few Homeopaths in Mexico, where it all began. They had compared the current outbreak with previous one of 1916 and had quite a few good obsevations and their experiences treating patients with swine flu.

Peter Jassal, MD (USA)
H1N1 Flu and Homeopathy – Analysis | Dr. Anil Singhal, MD (Homeo) « ShriPal Shah’s Blog , on August 20th, 2009 at 8:12 pm , said:

[...] See the original post: H1N1 Flu and Homeopathy – Analysis | Dr. Anil Singhal, MD (Homeo) [...]
Homeopathy , on August 21st, 2009 at 3:55 am , said:

Swine flu is very dangerous disease. Its almost fatal. But there are lot of people whose swine flu is being treated by Homeopathic treatments and it has been very effective since homeopathy has no side effects, but disadvantage of that is, its effects can be destroyed by the effects of smoking, pungent smells, coffee, camphor or petrol smell. So one have to take care of. One has to keep place germ-free, avoid crowded places, cover mouth with a mask.
Dr Srinivasa Rao Nyapati , on August 21st, 2009 at 4:51 am , said:

Dr Anil shingal,

thank you for that extremely scholarly work on H1N1 and Influenzinum. It is indeed very helpful and I trust that appropriate leads will be taken from this article and some consensus can come out at the earliest.
nancy millar , on August 21st, 2009 at 10:01 am , said:

thank you for the information. I have friends in india asking for this homopathic influenzium 200 potency dilution
they say it is not available readily because it is being held for higher money and shopkeepers that have it are not disbursing it as they should.It is a shame to see tths happen where so many already are sicck and suceptible to illness .How can i get some for my indian families?
Dr.Sudhir Batra , on August 24th, 2009 at 12:09 am , said:

Great job , Dr.Singhal.Nice to see such a good view on HINI and what is more appreciating is that ther are feed backs and they are addresed by you promptly…

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